Electronic Fee Collection

Road user charging in transport is used across Europe for raising revenue, dealing with congestion and internalizing transport costs. Concerns over escalating congestion, pollution and carbon dioxide issues, i.e. the sustainability of road transport, put even more emphasis on fair road pricing schemes in Europe.

Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) is an overall notion used to designate ICT solutions that automatically, and without stopping, collect road user charges. EFC systems enable effective charging of road vehicles and support a broad variety of pricing policies. There are three main technologies used in EFC today:

There are many EFC systems in Europe today. However, most of them have been developed and expanded on a regional basis creating different variants between different nations. To reap the full benefits of EFC systems they need to be interoperable, allowing a vehicle to pay charges in different countries using a single contract and a single on-board equipment (OBE).

This is why the European Economic Area has adopted legislation to create a European electronic toll service (EETS). Interested EETS users must be provided with the option to sign up for a single subscription contract and OBE with an EETS Service Provider of his choice, giving them access to the service on the whole of the road network in the entire Community

The European Union Directive 1999/62 (aka the Eurovignette Directive) sets out how the EU Member States can charge vehicles for using their road infrastructure, with the aim to:

Implementation of this Directive and EU CO2-based tolling are backed by EFC standards that specify electronic data and exchange of data related to vehicle CO2 emissions.


EFC Standardization

EFC standards provide solid technical support for agreements between stakeholders and form a foundation for the interoperability between EFC systems. Overall the standardization of EFC contributes to improving circulation of goods, services and people in Europe.

CEN/TC 278/WG 1 is responsible for European standardizing of the EFC application, whilst other international standardization groups develop technology-related standards (such as GNSS and communication protocols). Most EFC standards are developed as joint work items with ISO (TC 204/WG 5). In addition, ETSI provides certain technical standards on testing that are relevant for EFC.

The current standardization work includes defining application interfaces between equipment, information flows between EFC operators, architecture, security, conformance evaluation and test standards, personalization of OBE, performance indicators, monitoring and enforcement support.

Standardization in CEN/TC 278/WG 1 is divided into the following areas:

CEN is working closely together with the EC on standards that back the EETS and EU CO2-based tolling. WG 1 develops standards that form the main technical building blocks required to specify this interoperable service, and supports the notified bodies EETS coordination group (NB EETS CG). Much of the standardization work undertaken builds on the work from European EFC projects, such as CARDME, CESARE-4, PISTA, MEDIA, RCI, REETS and the EETS Facilitation Platform.


For further information please contact the convenor of CEN/TC 278/WG1 Mr Jesper Engdahl (jesper.engdahl-at-rapp.ch) or the secretary of WG1 Mr Jérémie Bossu (jeremie.bossu-at-cerema.fr).

Overview of standards

CEN/TC 278/WG 1 has, jointly with ISO/TC 204/WG 5, produced a series of standards, technical specifications and technical reports. These documents can be purchased from CEN, ISO or national standardization bodies.

Click for a standard preview (which links to the Online Browsing Platform, which in turn provides links to the on-line store for purchase of the full document) or to download machine-readable files (MRFs, e.g. ASN.1 code).

Standards and technical specifications
DSRC-based EFC EFC technology independent Autonomous EFC
Frameworks  ISO 21719-1 OBE Personalization  ISO 17573 -1 Architecture
ISO 17573-2 Vocabulary
ISO 17573-3 data dictionary [ASN.1]
ISO 17574 Security Profiles
ISO 19299 Security Framework
Toolboxes ISO 14906 AID for DSRC EFC [ASN.1] ISO 12855 Information exchange between TC and TSP [ASN.1] ISO 17575 AID for Autonomous EFC [part1][part2][part3][ASN.1]
ISO 25110 AID for IC-cards ISO 17444 Charging performance [part 1] [part 2] CEN TS 16702 Secure Monitoring [part1][part2][ASN.1]
ISO 16785 Interface between DSRC-OBE and external in-vehicle devices [ASN.1] ISO 21192 EFC for traffic management [ASN.1]
ISO 21193 EFC using Common Media [ASN.1]
CEN 15509 IAP for DSRC EFC [ASN.1] CEN 16986 IAP for Information Exchange between TC and TSP  ISO 12813 Compliance Check Communication (CCC) [ASN.1]
ISO 21719-2 OBE Personalization – DSRC    
ISO 21719-3 OBE Personalization – ICC  
ISO 14907-1 Test procedures for user and fixed equipment
CEN/TS 17154 Tests against 16986  [part1] ISO 16407 Tests against 17575-1 [part1][part2][TTCN]
ISO 14907-2 OBU tests against 14906 ISO 16410 Tests against 17575-3 [part1][part2][TTCN]
EN 15876 Tests against 15509 ISO 13143 Tests against 12813
CEN 18078 RLAN interferences to DSRC ISO 13140 Tests against 13141




Standards and technical specifications
DSRC-based EFC Miscellaneous  Autonomous EFC
CEN 16040 Urban DSRC ISO 25221 Image-based tolling – Measurable characteristics  ISO 16401 Testing against 17575-2
CEN 16968 Security assessment ISO 6026 Vehicle license plate information and ANPR technologies 
CEN 17546 EETS gap analysis and roadmap 
CEN 16092 Pre-payment systems 
CEN 16152 First mount OBE 
CEN 16219 Value added services EFC OBE 
CEN 16690 EFC on ITS stations 
ISO 19639 Common payment schemes 
ISO 21190 Charging policies and technologies for future standardization